Invoice Update
Covid-19 Update from NAS

Important Information for Tenants

Important Information for Tenants

Couple of reminders regarding the allotment rules:

5.4. Fires are allowed for the burning of materials from the Allotment Garden only i.e. diseased plants and dried-out organic material that will burn without smoke or hazardous residue. All fires must be attended at all times and not cause a nuisance to neighbouring residential residents or other plot holders. All fires must be fully extinguished before leaving the site. The Tenant shall not bring or allow to be brought on to the Allotment Site any materials for the purpose of burning such waste. Every effort should be made to compost garden waste and remove other material from site. Burning should be last resort.

10.1. The Tenant shall not deposit or allow other persons to deposit on the Allotment Garden any rubbish, refuse or any decaying matter (except manure and compost in such quantities as may reasonably be required for use in cultivation) or place any matter in the hedges, ditches or dykes in or surrounding the Allotment Site.
10.2. All non-compostable waste shall be removed from the Allotment Site by the Tenant.
10.3. The Tenant shall not utilise carpets or underlay on the Allotment Garden.