Updated information from NAS
Social-distancing reminder published today

Local MP seeks reassurance for tenants regarding allotments

One of our tenants contacted Sarah Champion MP who received the following reply from Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive of RMBC:

Dear Julian,

I contacted Sharon Kemp who is the CEO of RMBC last night when you emailed me. Here is her reply which I hope gives some comfort;

Dear Sarah

Thank you for your email regarding use of Rotherham Council’s allotment provision during the ongoing Coronavirus crisis.

We are not aware of any restrictions placed on the use of allotments by the Government, other than the normal restrictions regarding reasonable travel for exercise and social distancing. Allotment gardening can have positive health benefits both physically and mentally, as long as the social distancing rules are followed which we continue to promote.

In Rotherham, all Council allotments are managed through a community interest company, Rotherham Allotments Alliance (Ltd), which was set up in 2019 to manage allotments on behalf of the users. We continue to work closely with the Alliance and provide advice as required, however, would respect any local decision to temporarily close allotments, unless further Government guidance is received, which would supersede a local decision. The alliance have advised us that they are not currently minded to close allotments to their tenants.

South Yorkshire Police have indicated that they agree that the use of allotments falls within the guidelines for daily exercise, and are allowing allotment holders to visit their plots.

I hope this clarifies our position.

Kind regards
Sharon Kemp
Chief Executive