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Fires reminder

AGM – Tuesday 29th March 2022

Just a quick post to remind you that our AGM is due to take place on Tuesday 29th March at 6.30pm at the Unity Centre on St Leonard’s Rd, Rotherham.
All tenants/shareholders are entitled to attend so we would be grateful if tenants could register their interest in attending by emailing admin@rotherhamallotments.org.uk. This means that you will get the documents relating to the meeting sent out prior. If you have any points you would like to raise, please send them 2 weeks before so they can be added to the agenda.
We are still looking to recruit 2 directors, including a treasurer, so if you are interested in assisting with the management of the RAA, please let us know your nomination.
Also, just a polite reminder, if you haven’t already done so, plot fees are due to be paid by 31st March 2022.
If you have any questions regarding the AGM or allotments, please let us know.